Mortal kombat realms mmorpg
Mortal kombat realms mmorpg

Their prime Objective is to protect the EarthRealms Time Staple HourGlass it's used as a war base to protect Every TimeLine In existance.)Then Liu Kang Unmerged the two time lines and Created infinite Possibilities then openened a Huge portal then remerged them through the portal and every one living in Kitana's Era Went to Raiden New Created Staple in time. (Raiden Created time portals and kitana procurred all the living People to bring to the staple in time that Raiden and Liu Kang Created together to fight against all trying to destroy all existance as we know it coming from infinite timelines. Liu Kang Merged 2 Time lines together (the 2 different ending options from MK11) cuz he had 2 option's at the end of MK11 one where he Ran the Hour Glass with Kitana the other With raiden By Merging them together and sending Raiden forwards and Kitana back. The world will be a 3d MK world and it will be the new titles Content Mortal Kombat Unirverse (MKU)?. If your level 10-19 And you enter the time portal to the Deadpool Stage you will go to MK9 if your level 20-29 and you go threw the Deadpool portal you will be entered for MKX's Matchmaking for the Deadpool stage (If There is one Made) or whatever Stage portal In the Battle room you went to (Located in Your Factions Main City/Area/Base or Whatever) is what stage you would play Depending on what level you were for different Game titles.If you were max level Kapped you would be able to pick which game titles stage you would go to.and if you were level 30-39 thats right MK11.You gotta remember they are time portals to travel through time and space. Traveleling through time to different batllegrounds/Arenas/Duels whether its MK9, MKX, MK11 Stages or the new titles stages or mode you will be able to go to Different Game Titles all in this new MMORPG Depending on what Level your character is. Raiden Builds time portals and turns all Roster Heroes into a Fixed Point in time for all player created character's to be able train the heroe styles they like from (The Fixed Point in time Heroes) and to be able to travel through time to the titles they want to main or just play. Okay if You don't want to read all this here is a small version of it.Its a MMORPG that has Raiden Go Forward in time from the HourGlass and Kitana go to beginning of MK9 in MultipleTime lines. AFTER THIS IS THE LONGER EXPLANATION WITH ALOT OF ALOBORATE DETAILS ABOUT MMORPG CONTENT THAT KAN BE ADDED INTO THIS MMO IDEA. Mortal Kombat World On VR Chat It's Time "It Has Begun!" THIS SHORT EXPLANATION WILL COVER EVERYTHING THAT NEEDS TO BE KNOWN LIKE SOME STORYLINE TOO THE GAME CONTOLS, THE GAME'S MECHANICS AND NEW GAME MODES. "This is Outright The KoolestThing I've Ever Feasted My Eyes Upon". When the Fight Ends you get Teleported back to the 3D World With all the Players in Your Server.

mortal kombat realms mmorpg

After you Travel Threw The Portal From The 3D World It Enters 2d when you enter a Portal it will Teleport You Threw Time and Space to one of these 3 game titles MK9, MKX or MK11, but the 3D world is the New Game(A Mixture of all 3 Titles) MK Trilogy 2 You Could Say. This is Just an Example Of What could Be. Then Pitting all the Titles Fighting Styles against eachother in the 3D MMO World, Endgame Modes and Content(That in my mind plays alot like For Honor but with your Basic MK Style Special Moves and Kombos). I Know This is VR but Professionally Doing a 2nd Gen Timeline MK Trilogy For MK9, MKX and MK11 to Be Mixed into a 3D MMO Based Title Traveling threw Portal's to Get into The Online Fights For W/E Title You Wanted to Play.

mortal kombat realms mmorpg

This is outright the Koolest Thing I've ever Feasted My Eye's Upon. Anyways If anybody has any and I do meen any questions on how anything and everything will work just ask and ill explain.

mortal kombat realms mmorpg

Im more than ready for Sony and Microsoft to get their consoles MMORPG Ready and knock the Microtransaction stuff off with these matchmaking server lobbies. It's time for a MK MMORPG like World of Warcraft with a monthly Subscription Fee of like $14.99 or $19.99 That is pay2play.

Mortal kombat realms mmorpg