Metro 2033 redux review
Metro 2033 redux review

Still, you don't do much wrong with the bundle.

metro 2033 redux review

Furthermore, I still consider it a better game than Metro Last Light. Personally, Metro 2033 would prefer Redux in this case because it has made major technical and content improvements compared to the original. After all, digital purchases give you the choice of whether one of the two new editions is enough.

#Metro 2033 redux review Ps4#

PS4 and Xbox One were cheaper to buy more than five years ago. However, the effort is also reflected in the pricing: If you buy both games separately in the eShop, just under 25 euros are due for each title! The collection on cartridge is a little cheaper, where you can get both Redux metros for around 47 euros. Nevertheless, you have to take your hat off to how well 4A Games has ported the two metros to Switch and how great they look on TV as well as in mobile mode! Already Grid Autosport and recently Alien Isolation impressively show that the "old camels" on the Nintendo console can still cut a fine figure if the developers take the trouble instead of delivering half-hearted implementations. There is only one case of unavoidable nudity, but even then its relatively tame as the camera cuts away before anything graphic. Metro 2033 in particular benefits from the modernization measures, even if you have to make do with Switch again with a display of 30 frames per second and slight graphic smears. Developer 4A Games has done a fine job creating the world and populating it with interesting sights and sounds.

metro 2033 redux review metro 2033 redux review

If you haven't owned either of the two Metro titles yet and would like to fight your way through the dark apocalypse on the way, you don't have to think long: Here you get two successful games that have a lot to offer, particularly with regard to story and atmosphere. Metro 2033s greatest strength, on the other hand, is in its atmosphere and setting.

Metro 2033 redux review